5 Work from home friendly exercise

Thank you so much, dear readers, for liking my earlier post on How to stay healthy and fit while working from home?!!!

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As mentioned in the earlier post, doing exercise helps you to improve your productivity, brings good energy ,and keeps you energetic throughout the day.

In this post, I will be sharing 5 exercises without any equipment which you can do while sitting for work.

Bonus- These exercises can also be done while sitting in your office chair.

  1. Triceps Stretch
Rear View Of A Businessman Stretching His Arms In Office

Triceps are the large muscle of the upper arm that is involved in the extension of the elbow joint. Triceps stretches improves its flexibility, length, and increase range of motion. It also brings stability to your shoulders and arms and boosts circulation.

How to do?

  • Put your left hand on your back, use your right hand to grab your left elbow ,and gently pull it.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds.
  • Repeat the same with another hand.
  1. Neck Rotation

Working on a laptop continuously strains your neck muscles. This exercise will offer quick relief for neck pain and tightness. It will also help to build muscle strength, restore mobility and keep your eyes away from the screen for some time.

How to do?

Look straight at chin level and gently rotate your head from side to side.

  1. Chair twist/ Oblique twist
A: Lower body chair twist
B. Upper body chair twist

Sitting in one position for a long time affects spine and body posture. Not only that, but it also causes contributes to a condition called ’rounded shoulders’ (where the head and neck drop forward causing tightness in the shoulders, back ,and neck). 

How to do?

  • Sit with your spine erect.
  • You can either keep your upper body straight and rotate your lower body (as shown in A) or
  • keep your lower body straight and rotate your upper body (as shown in B).

4. Seated calf raises

Calves are active muscles for movement and balance. It helps to support basic functions like walking.

Seated calf raise will help you stabilize the feet and ankle, and improve joints.

This is a good exercise not only while sitting for work but can be done anytime when you are sitting casually.

How to do?

  • Sit straight in your chair with your feet hip wide apart.
  • Lift your heels up off the floor.
  • Hold at this position for some time and gently lower your heels back down.
  • Repeat for the set repetitions. 
  1. Seated leg extension
Seated Leg Extensions Exercise Demonstration | SparkPeople

Engaging leg muscles like the glutes and hamstrings is important for good posture and balance. This can also be done anytime when you are sitting causally.

How to do?

  • Sit straight in a chair. Plant your feet on the floor, hip-width apart.
  • Extend your right knee to lift your right leg.
  • Return to starting position. 
  • Repeat the same for other leg

I hope you try these exercises carefully next time while working from home. Also, if you do any other exercise while sitting, feel free to suggest in the comment section.

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